On the Road with Ruth is about the journey of a Believing family that discovers the Hebrew Roots of the Faith.
Just as Ruth purposely decided to follow Naomi and say "your people are my people and your God is my God" vs 1:16. Our family has decided to follow this path.
So come and partake of the journey with us. Let us travel over the desert, through the Jordan and into the Promised Land.


Thank you for stopping by today. Come, wander around and enjoy the journey with us. If you have any questions feel free to ask.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Remembering IDF fallen:

 Join in the traditional two minutes of silence in memory of Israel's fallen soldiers and victims of terror, Monday April 19, 11:00 am Denver time. For more info:Monday, April 19, 2010
Community-wide Two Minutes of Silence events@ajfcolorado.org.

Why Millions of Christians are Staunchly Pro-Israel, A Special Evening with Rabbi Zwerin and Cheryl Morrison.

April 14, 6:30-8:00 pm, Temple Sinai, Denver. Sponsored by Lifelong Jewish Learning. E. Hampden Ave. at Glencoe.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Isreal Independence Day concert

The Allied Jewish Federation of Colorado is sponsoring a Yom ha'Atzmaut (Israel Independence Day) concert Mon., April 19 at the Soiled Dove Underground, Lowry. The Moshav Band will play at 6:30 pm. Advance tickets are $36 per adult and $20 per child under 12 yrs. For more information, email to: events@ajfcolorado.org