On the Road with Ruth is about the journey of a Believing family that discovers the Hebrew Roots of the Faith.
Just as Ruth purposely decided to follow Naomi and say "your people are my people and your God is my God" vs 1:16. Our family has decided to follow this path.
So come and partake of the journey with us. Let us travel over the desert, through the Jordan and into the Promised Land.


Thank you for stopping by today. Come, wander around and enjoy the journey with us. If you have any questions feel free to ask.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Would you like to see Israel, not like most tourist?  Do you like to bike ride?  Here is your chance to do both. http://www.hazon.org/go.php?q=/rides/2010IL/cycleFromJerusalemToEilat_-_IsraelRide_2010.html  

Cycle From Jerusalem To Eilat - Israel Ride 2010

2010 Israel Ride
October 19-26 , 2010

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Letters of support

You can send letters of support to the Israeli soldiers attacked and injured in the recent flotilla confrontation. These will be collected and delivered personally by StandWithUs in Israel. Mail to: StandWithUs, Heichal Shlomo, second floor, King George 58, Jerusalem 91073, ISRAEL.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Yom haZikaron-Remembering Israel's fallen

Today in Israel and around the world, we observe two minutes of silence (11:00 am Denver time) to honor and mourn those who fell in defense of the security of Israel. There will be a brief ceremony at 10:40 in the lobby of the Denver JCC.
This is how it looks and sounds in Israel: http://www.jewishcolorado.org/page.aspx?id=197963
Below is a comment by Naomi Ragen, Israeli writer and journalist.

Memorial Day, 2010
 By Naomi Ragen

I have just sat down after the fading notes of the siren have finally disappeared.  It is another  Memorial Day for Israel's Fallen.  We have lost 22, 684 sons and daughters.  For a little country like Israel, that is an enormous and incalculable loss.  Over the years, I have told all those ready to listen Israel's well-kept secret: there is no Israeli army.  There is only my son and your daughter, and the neighbor's kids.  Every loss is the loss of not only an individual, but of  generations: the children who will never be born, the grandchildren that will never snuggle in the laps of grandparents.  It is the destruction of not only young lives full of promise, but of their families: mothers and fathers whose lives are forever shattered, grandparents who must bear the unthinkable, young girls who lost their boyfriends, wives who lost their husbands, children who lost their fathers.  Young women who died before they could experience anything of life's promises.
After the words and ceremonies and sad music and films of remembrance, one comes to the conclusion that Israel itself is bereaved, and does not know how to comfort itself.  The ongoing and seemingly neverending price for our freedom in the land God promised us is inhumanly high.

Only yesterday Achmadinijad spoke clearly of destroying Israel, uprooting us like a "cancer."  The King of Jordan proclaimed there would be another war in July.  And Syria is boldly transferring long range scud missiles once again to Hezbollah in Lebanon.

Only a week ago, we went through Holocaust Remembrance Day.  I remember walking from my home to the Kotel.  And on the way back, I stepped inside the newly rebuilt Hurva Synagogue, destroyed by the Arab Legion in 1948.  As I stepped into the women's section, I looked with wonder at how the once empty, destroyed shell, was filled anew with praying, chanting Jews.  It reminded me of  Ezekiel's vision of dry bones rising from the dead full of life once more.   They destroy, and we rebuild.  So it has been for every generation of Jews.
That Europeans, who killed and tortured our families with unprecedented barbarism, destroying one-third of the Jewish people, do not rejoice at what we have done with our little country, but instead do all they can to see us die again, shows me all their tears over our dead are fake, all their Holocaust memorials empty shells.  That Americans, who did nothing to  stop the trains to Auschwitz or to destroy the gas chambers, should ask us to prove our desire for peace by appeasing our enemies, leading to more of our beautiful sons and daughters being killed, shows me that America too has not learned its history lessons.

There exists no comfort for the loss of our children as soldiers fighting just wars.  But there is even less comfort for the loss of our children at the hands of slaughterers, terrorists, and evil regimes.  Our young soldiers have given their lives to save us from that.  May God bless their memories, and comfort their families.  We owe them everything that makes our lives in this world as Jews possible. Let's remember that more than one day a year.


Article from: ActionIsrael Announcements: April 19, 2010

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Remembering IDF fallen:

 Join in the traditional two minutes of silence in memory of Israel's fallen soldiers and victims of terror, Monday April 19, 11:00 am Denver time. For more info:Monday, April 19, 2010
Community-wide Two Minutes of Silence events@ajfcolorado.org.

Why Millions of Christians are Staunchly Pro-Israel, A Special Evening with Rabbi Zwerin and Cheryl Morrison.

April 14, 6:30-8:00 pm, Temple Sinai, Denver. Sponsored by Lifelong Jewish Learning. E. Hampden Ave. at Glencoe.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Isreal Independence Day concert

The Allied Jewish Federation of Colorado is sponsoring a Yom ha'Atzmaut (Israel Independence Day) concert Mon., April 19 at the Soiled Dove Underground, Lowry. The Moshav Band will play at 6:30 pm. Advance tickets are $36 per adult and $20 per child under 12 yrs. For more information, email to: events@ajfcolorado.org

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Purim is this weekend.  Purim is a day of celebration commemorating the day lots were cast to decide to kill all the Jews in Persia and how Esther (Hadassah) put her life on the line to save her people.

It is a day that children dress up like Queen Esther, Mordecai, or Biblical people.  You make Hamantashens (cookies), retell the story of Esther, play games, etc.  When telling the story everyone boo's when Haman's name is mentioned and cheers when Mordecai and Esther's name is mentioned. It is a fun and festive day.

You can get the DVD teaching and book to better understand the Book of Esther and how today there are still "Haman's" in the world and our lives.

Chag Samach

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Jonathan Settel Live in Concert for Purim 2010

If you live in or near the Metro Denver Area please come to a free concert. 

Jonathan Settel Live in Concert for Purim 2010
Friday, February 26 - Special Latino/Spanish Concert - 6:00 PM
Saturday, February 27 - Sabbath Service and Concert - 8:00 AM; 9:30 AM

STBM International Center

19697 E. Smoky Hill Rd.
Centennial, CO 80015
Phone: 303-841-4840

1-866-TORAH-TV 1-866-867-2488

Never heard of Jonathan, click here